"The space between stimulus and response"

Towards the discovery of our life,we tends to meet kinds of people, some generous,honest,frank and some unkind, ill minded,dishonest and etc... Those kinds of people is as a result of reaction shown by the space between stimulus and response. An optimistic may consider every reaction from others as stepping stones towards the pathway of self discovery but pessimist may not comprehend the same.
As a saying goes,"Life is a journey,    complete it"No matter what the circumstances  are,one has to groom their life to perfection. Even an idiot,who thoughtlessly stay want happiness and never want sadness. If so,we have to repeatedly scrutinize and comprehend the space between stimulus and response.
In every step of our life,there is always a stimulus which act as catalyst and reflect how well the space is being used. Though the space may be fraction of seconds but the reaction depends upon the decision taken in fraction of seconds. For an example, If a friend of yours punch or kick you, you may get angry and act to it but,whether to act politely or harshly depends upon how well you use the space between stimulus and response.

Newtons third law says,"Every action has its equal and opposite reaction", but if we use the space between stimulus and response we will see shortcomings in the law. For an example,kicking a ball exerts stored potential energy to it but all person kicking the ball has different reaction. Some may kick hard but pain less and other may kick with more pain. The reaction just depend on how well one use the space between stimulus and response.
Recently, I criticized two  men with same question,"your nothing better than a dead monkey". Surprisingly, I could see different reaction from two men. Its sure one may get their ego hurt,one said"Reflect upon yourself" others just smiled. I then comprehended that different person has different use of space between stimulus and response.
So dear friends, if we use the space between stimulus and response effectively, there is no chaos,misunderstanding and so called enemy.....